GitHub 已经给出将在一段较长时间内可用的安装方法
The most recent trial after a long time with Hyprland on Linux :
Using latest versions on every dependency:
git clone /flameshot-org/ flameshotgit fetch origin pull/3059/head:pr_3059git checkout pr_3059mkdir buildrm -rf ./external/singleapplicationcd build && cmake .. -DUSE_WAYLAND_CLIPBOARD=true -DUSE_WAYLAND_GRIM=true -DUSE_EXTERNAL_SINGLEAPPLICATION=1 -DENABLE_CACHE=0make -j$(nproc)
The mentioned PR fixes the lagging issue.
env QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS="" fixes the scaling issue if you use 2x scaling.
With "flameshot gui", I see the screenshot window (my fullscreen), I select a location then problems start:
For example when I move my mouse, artifacts and screen tearing starts to appear. This doesn't carry over to the saved screenshot. It only occurs "during" selection and processing period and it doesn't look good.
Can't copy the screenshot, or use some functions such as "pinning". It basically kills the flameshot without any errors.
The output I see on the terminal is below:flameshot: warning: grim's screenshot component is implemented based on wlroots, it may not be used in GNOME or similar desktop environmentsQLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to SidePanelWidget "", which already has a : Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()
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